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Q Branch



Be BOLD, Be Unstoppable

Explore the Power of Brand and Personal Transformation:

Your Gateway to Exponential Growth.


Uncover the art of brand allure and genuine engagement, harness psychological insights and strategic questioning to foster meaningful connections, and leverage NLP techniques to unleash the full potential of you and your team.

Available in PDF and Audio Formats.

What Makes People Excellent?

Jenny laughing looking at Matt. She is wearing a pink top and sat at a pink laptop. Matt is also laughing and looking at Jenny. He is wearing a Teal top and is sat at his Teal laptop. The background is a compass that shows the words Excellence

Discover how Q Branch works with excellence

Watching Experts do their Thing.


I have always loved watching people do what they do best. From being a child, watching my dad as Captain on a tanker in the middle of the ocean and later as a Director of Ship Management, I’ve had a fascination with businesses, how they work, and how the people work within them.


My 12 years in corporate showed me a lot about human nature, those who excel and those who get left behind. I loved watching, but I didn’t know I was even doing it.


Over the years I’ve worked with many people of excellence in their field. They generally hold a quiet confidence, and they also seem to know when to bring in help for the bits they can’t do so well, or don’t want to spend the time learning.


I remember working in the ship management company and I was tasked with being the middleman between the Business and the Programmers, brought in to build our new bespoke system. I learned a lot about communication in that time. And I definitely didn’t always get it right, in fact, I often got things wrong, but I learned and adapted. I had to work with people who spoke a different language both literally and also in the way they worked. We had international colleagues across the world, but in our building, programmers speak a different language to business owners. It’s where I think I got the skills I use today in Q Branch. Matt always tells me how brilliant I am at breaking things down into understandable language for our clients. I can see when they don’t understand but are still nodding in agreement. I can also see when something is just not working.


What if something isn't working for our clients but they don't realise?

Like yesterday, we had a meeting with an amazing client of ours and we were discussing their app. We skipped over the functionality, and I could tell what they were describing as what they wanted, was not in any way what they wanted. So instead of accepting this and moving on, I asked the question, “you don’t seem too sure about this being your path and it is not in alignment with your mission, what’s going on?”. They then explained why they were having an app at all, and by the end of the session, we have a new idea for the App that lit them up. It’s a complete pivot but it makes sense for the mission, vision and position. If I feel our clients aren’t 100% certain, we don’t move on. It’s one of the reasons I believe we are different. I leave Matt to do his genius. Me being there to pick up these signs allows him to fully immerse himself in what he does best.


Which brings me back to watching people of excellence. Every day I see our excellent clients. They are top of what they do, it’s why we choose to work with them. But not only that, I get the pleasure of being part of what Matt is so talented at.

Creative Thinkers need Space to Think.


Yesterday there was a moment when Matt needed to do some creative thinking, so he went for a walk. I carried on with our client and Matt took the space to think. Both me and the client grinned at each other, knowing we were experiencing part of a process. A short while later Matt came back with the perfect solution, and we moved on. Part of what makes him excellent is knowing he needs the space to go and think. And he knows he can rely on me to keep the energy flowing.


If you are looking for someone to give you a great brand experience, there are hundreds of people out there who can help you. If you want to watch someone of excellence and immerse yourself in the experience of that and if you want a full boutique experience that you know will move your business forward, that’s what we provide.


This morning, we had a message from our client. It said, “I’m so excited about our session yesterday, I know you won’t have had time to type it up yet but could you just take a photo of your notes so I can get started.”


30 seconds later he sent another message “Holy shit! Scrap that, I see I have a full email detailing the meeting today, you are a legend”.


And that’s what we do, and it’s why we don’t take on more than 5 clients at a time. So, you can get that experience consistently, every time.


If you want to focus on your own excellence, and like me, are fascinated with watching others do what they do best, and get the benefit of that expertise at the same time, book a first date, it's on us!

Find Out More..


Founding Partner of Q Branch Consulting, Jenny Jarvis: Expert in Human Transformation, Coach and NLP Practitioner

Jenny Jarvis

Founding Partner of Q Branch, Jenny is a highly trained and experienced Human Transformation Specialist, Coach and NLP Practitioner who is passionate about positive relationships and giving founders and leaders the BOLD Confidence and tools it takes to build BOLD Brands and Cultures. She is also an inspiring keynote speaker and lover of french wine and cheese.

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